Preparing Home for a Vacation

Robby Olvey
February 12, 2024
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Vacation is a time to relax and forget about responsibilities at home. Prevent worry and keep your home safe during your vacation with this home preparation checklist:

Take steps to make your home look lived-in

  • Have your interior lights run by a timer.
  • Have a neighbor get your mail and take out the trash on collection day.
  • Arrange to have your lawn mowed.
  • Install a motion-activated sensor flood light outside your home.

Take electrical and plumbing precautions

  • Make sure to turn all electrical appliances off before leaving.
  • Unplug appliances to prevent damage from an electrical power surge.
  • Turn off water valves to the washing machine, dishwasher, and sinks.

General home preparation tips

  • Make sure all doors and windows are securely shut and locked.
  • Leave your contact information with a trusted neighbor, informing them you will be away.
  • Remove and dispose of perishable foods from the refrigerator.
  • Take out the garbage.
  • Make arrangements for the care of your pets.
  • Make sure smoke detectors are working properly.

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